The Game is Ideal..,but has to be made REAL & PERFECT...👍 In REAL SKATING..👉 Concept of Balance is The PRIORITY. If this concept is applied here, this Game becomes **ULTIMATE**...👉 Inclusion of Speed Range Limit to maintain Balance & Display of Player's speed to be applied here. In STUNT MODE.2 ...👉 15 Lvs..can be added. Failure to maintain Speed Limit ..👉 Player Falls. Try it..👍....✋ [ Also Ref: Rev/Dt:3/3/22..Words Mobile app. & Multi Touch Studio...👉 Bike Stunts (FRONT Rev.]
It,s borering
Best game EVER!!!!
i like huvor bords
nice game
it okay because it is a great game you made
balancing game
this game it's so good and it's fun
So good